I have had a real interest in photography for quite a while. Capturing a specific moment in time is important…a wedding, the birth of a child, an engagement, a beautiful sunset…what an opportunity for “memory preservation”.
Over the past few years, I have really begun to act on my interest. I have read a lot about it, looked at hundreds of photos from famous photographers. I have taken a lot of photos, most of which didn’t turn out very well…overexposed, underexposed, just flat out missing the shot…(I’m still deep in the learning curve). Some shots have turned out mediocre. But a few, and I mean a few in the truest sense of the word, were better than expected.
That’s what fuels the passion…the pursuit of the perfect photo. Perfect in the sense that it turns out the way I have already pictured it in my mind.
Really, the only way to learn more about anything, and not just photography, is to JUST DO IT. So that’s what I’m going to do…take pictures…hopefully, meaningful pictures…at least the kind that are meaningful to me. If someone else likes them, too, that’s even better.
Maybe there is something for which you have a passion, or for which you are developing a passion, or for which you want to have a passion. Maybe this blog will inspire you to begin pursuit of it. Interesting word, pursuit…it basically reads PURSU-IT!!!